From 10 March finally in Italian cinemas, distribuito daSatin Film, arrivaEVIL DOES NOT EXIST, latest masterpiece by the award-winning Iranian directorMohammad Rasoulof, winner ofGolden Bear for Best Filmat the Berlinale 70 and in numerous other International Festivals (Seattle, St. Paul, Hong Kong, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Calgary, Oslo, Valladolid, Montclair, Batumi). A symbolic film, unique and extraordinary, which raises universal moral dilemmas that shake consciences and require a profound reflection on the issue of the death penalty and the responsibility of the people involved in its execution.

Four stories, connected by a thin red wire, they address a fundamental issue of Iranian society and all those coerced countries, by government impositions, to accept the death penalty as a constant and consolidated practice.

Iran, today. Four stories, four portraits of the fragility of’ human being faced with forced choices and the responsibilities that derive from them. 40-year-old Heshmat husband and exemplary father, he is a generous and easygoing man with everyone, but he does a mysterious job for which he leaves the house every night. Pouya has recently started military service and immediately finds himself facing a dramatic choice: how to obey an order from superiors against one's will. Javad is a young soldier who takes three days' leave at a high price to return to his beloved's country and ask for her in marriage.. Bharam is a banned doctor, who finally decides to reveal to his niece a painful secret that has accompanied him for twenty years. Four different but inexorably linked stories that, despite being set in Iranian society, they profoundly touch the conscience and history of each of us by placing ourselves in front of a question to which we must all answer: in their place, what would you have done?

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