From 22 to the 24 July will host the sixteenth edition of the international exhibition dedicated to high fashion with an even broader and more modern formula. Spotlight on internationalization and innovation. Maredamare starts again with an edition that marks a fundamental step in the history of this
salone, today the absolute reference in Europe for the beachwear that counts. The commitment put in place in recent years to consecrate itself as an international event has led to a vertical growth of the most important foreign buyers, to a more modern and global vision. An arrangement recognized by the customers themselves who find over two hundred and thirty collections in Florence, from big brands to the coolest start-ups. This selection, a balance that is anything but random, plays a crucial role in the attractiveness of Maredamare.

In più, context and atmosphere, they do the rest. “There are no stories to stay at home or in the shop - points out Alessandro Legnaioli, President of Underbeach, the company that organizes and produces Maredamare – because those who love their job and want to grow must come to Florence. This is where new trends are born, here you can find the whole international sector of beach fashion. There is no other event that can offer
such a broad and qualified overview, in a fresh and informal container. Who you love, follow us”.
Among the most important innovations of the sixteenth edition, the introduction of Out of water, the off show in Maredamare. A constellation of events and shows that revolve around the fair while shining with its own light. “Dot Florence with quality events during Maredamare - points out Raffaella Petrossi, general manager of the salon – has always been our goal without taking away space, rather valuing, the most concrete moment linked to work at the fair. Starting from this edition, in fact, the most beautiful locations in the city will come alive and host events and fashion shows connected to the show but with an even more relaxed and convivial tone. We are sure you will like it. Finally, I would like to point out that four months after the fair we are registering a sold out of the exhibition spaces. Who loves us, follows us”.

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