Franciacorta National Literary Award 2022

Sunday 4 September at the Bornato Castle the winners of theFranciacorta National Literary and Cultural Award. Divided into 3 sections (Fiction and non-fiction between wine, food and taste; Contemporary History from the 19th century to today; Story of the territory with the testimony of Franciacorta), its goal is to enhance the Franciacorta area from a cultural and literary point of view and this year it was dedicated to the memory of Marcello Monzio Compagnoni, far-sighted and passionate wine entrepreneur, in this context, Giunti's book edited byElio Ghisalberti and whose editorial coordination has been entrusted toMario CucciandMultiverse, managed to win the prize for the Franciacorta Testimony section. Ghisalberti's work is the simple but effective continuation of the text written in 1997 by Francesco Arrigoni: at the time, Arrigoni had carried out an important work of collecting and narrating the companies that in 30 years had made Franciacorta grow and affirm. After 25 years since its release, Ghisalberti continues what the Bergamo journalist started, keeping the book layout unchanged and tracing the changes recorded in each activity. By updating the information and the cards of the latter, the now international profile of each of them and of Franciacorta is highlighted.
Franciacorta. Yesterday Today Tomorrow. Stories of vineyards, cellars and men”Is a fundamental and essential text for wine experts, but also for enthusiasts and lovers of the vineyards and the men who work there.
“We are delighted that our work has been recognized by an award of this caliber: we thank the jury who appreciated the effort we made so that Franciacorta could be told through its stories, its vineyards and its men ”commented Mario Cucci, always committed to the enhancement of Italian food and wine products. “It is a careful comparison and updating of Arrigoni's text. For this reason we have chosen to divide the book into different sections that allow the reader to grasp the differences with the past, appreciate the richness of the present, focusing on the companies of the future ”added Elio Ghisalberti.
Mario Cucci, independent publisher, over 20 age, first with the Mediavalue publishing house, now with Multiverso he deals with communication in the Food sector. Make Le Soste, TavoleDOC and together with Elio Ghisalberti wanted to create the text to tell the uniqueness of the Franciacorta Consortium territory, photographing them 120 associated companies.

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