Great success for the Dandydays 2023

Great success of participants and public for the annual "DandyDays" event, in the city of Arezzo, which took place on 6 and 7 May, in conjunction with the Antiques Fair. Over 50 dandies from all over Europe – present, among others, as well as Stefano Agnoloni, Niccolo Cesari, Andrea Raffaelli, Damiano Landi, also the French Thierry Mouele, Lino Ngando and Caramel Snow – animated and carefully experienced the rich program 2023: the exhibition dedicated to the Giostra del Saracino, visits to the national archaeological museum and the Gold Museum, the round table moderated by the writer Francesco Maria Rossi entitled "Even dandies eat beans", the presentation of the book “Bon ton au four-legged. Pet Etiquette Manual” written by Elisa Volta. Saturday 6 Furthermore, in May, a private gala dinner for charity was held in the garden of Casa Thévenin, which was attended by more than 250 people.

"Solidarity, beauty and elegance: once again the 'DandyDays' and the 'Antiques Fair' have proven to be a winning combination – he comments Simone Chierici, president of the Arezzo Intour Foundation and tourism councilor of the Municipality of Arezzo –. In addition to the pleasure of hosting an event that enriches our event, the gathering of dandies offered the city everything, the opportunity to draw attention to one of its most historic institutions, Casa Thévenin, to which 'DandyDays' dedicated a fundraiser. One more reason to host this event in Arezzo".

“This year's edition was special as it was blessed by time and by the many 'collaterals' that animated these two days – underlines Sandro Sarri, president of Casa Thevenin -. A huge 'thank you' also goes to the institutional and private sponsors who allowed a notable leap in quality. And finally a deep thank you to our splendid dandies, very numerous and above all close to Casa Thevenin. Now we are waiting to close everything and then give the final numbers of the event".

“The seventh 'DandyDays' ended with growth in terms of participation – they explainAlessio Ginestrini andStefania Severi, owners of 'Impero Progressive barber shop & hair therapy’, creators and organizers of the event -. Art, culture and nature are in the city's DNA and thanks to the events that embellished the two days, therefore the 'Antiques Fair', ‘Elegance Bicycles’, 'Breakfast on the grass' and the vintage car showcase, just to name just a few, we went to 'seventh heaven'. More than 50 dandy, gentleman and dandy lady arrived in Arezzo and contributed to the solidarity cause for the Thevenin Foundation of Arezzo. Certainly many ideas would not have blossomed if there had not been many brands and sponsors to support us: everyone collaborated on the project and became protagonists inside the Atrium of Honor of the Palazzo della Provincia. Their creative hands have enchanted tourists and foreigners. We also want to sincerely thank the entire team who contributed to the realization of the event. Arezzo, with its history, confirms once again a deep and indispensable bond with the dandies and therefore we can already announce that the next edition, the eighth, will be held in June 2024."

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