The history of pastificio Nicola Russo is as old as exciting. It all began in the first half of the 800 in Torre Annunziata where the family held the work of millers and pasta makers. Around the end of the 800 the Russian move to Cicciano, an inland village Neapolitan, where they bought a small stone mill operated first with animal energy until the advent of electricity, that allowed the transformation of the mill stone mill cylinders. Dai primi anni del ‘900 si avviò la produzione della pasta, through the methods in use at the time. Fu Nicola Russo to start, with competence and charisma, technological transformation and expansion of the company. Since then, paste Cicciano has become a reference point in the field.
To obtain a paste of excellence must follow precise steps. The fundamental choice of raw material, the Durum wheat, the paste is Cicciano pastificano groats with at least 13% protein. The mixture takes place with pure water very slowly to obtain a homogeneous mixture and that it has the right consistency.
The extrusion occurs with bronze dies to obtain a roughness of the surface that allows the dough to retain condiments optimally. The drying is carried out in static cells at low temperatures ( 35 / 45°) allowing, compared to an industrial pasta, to preserve the fragrance of the grain and not compromise any other organoleptic characteristics. The dried pasta is packaged by hand, to avoid shocks due to the automatic scales and vertical packaging.
Besides the pasta you can buy even a choice of sauces and tomato unmistakable taste.
We offer a selection of sizes of products Nicola Russo.
Paccheri Cicciano
Macaroni with underwire
Fusilli Neapolitan
Neapolitan Lasagna
Tomatoes of Mount Somma natural
Tomato sauce traditional
Nicola Russo
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