“The sweet continuation of Christmas, the icing that closes the long interlude of winter and opens the doors to the colors and wonders of summer”. This is what the dove for Emanuele Russo who wanted to once again pay homage to his land and his territory by calling it Whitaker, in memory of one of the inventors and supporters of the success of Marsala.

Figs, Almonds, Semi-candied oranges and Marsala Vergine (Donna Franca – Florio), this is the Colomba Whitaker by Emanuele Russo from Le Lumie di Marsala which starts from a dough similar to panettone made more elastic. We start by refreshing the lievito madre for three times, after which we start kneading flour, tuorlo, sugar, water and obviously sourdough. As soon as it is well strung, add the remaining part of the yolk and the butter. Leavening overnight and then starting again in the morning with the addition of more flour and flavourings: vaniglia, sugar, honey and almonds. The almonds are first blended, in order to create a cream and release the essential oils to add to the mixture.

The first phase is completed, add fleur de sel, egg yolk and custard and finally Normandy butter, semi-candied oranges, dried figs and toasted almonds. Another leavening from 4 a 6 hours and then baking in the oven, before a well-deserved rest upside down at least 6 hours. The result is a well-alveolated dove, profumata, rich in taste and sweet nuances. The Colomba is also offered in two other versions (black cherry, dark chocolate and rum; salted caramel, pears and cinnamon), it is sold on the shop on the site ristorantelelumie.com at the price of 35 euros and can be delivered throughout the national territory in a few hours.

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