It was held last night, in the iconic location of Villa Favard in Florence, l'opening at Relative Thinking, multi-sensory exhibition dedicated to the theme of curating in contemporary fashion, through the projects of the students of the Master in Fashion Writing and Curation. |

The exclusive event was attended by Massimiliano Giornetti, director of Polimoda e Tim Blanks, internationally renowned fashion critic and mentor of the Master in Fashion Writing and Curation, as well as guests from the worlds of journalism, of fashion, art and culture. L’opening, followed by a cocktail, allowed guests to preview the exhibition and discover the works created by Polimoda students, in one personal reflection on the role of the curator and its influence on the fashion industry today. Indeed, every student of the Master in Fashion Writing and Curation has created his own magazine, taking care of every aspect and taking on different roles with the support of the teachers: writer, editor, curator, artist, photo editor e graphic designer. Drawing on various semiotic panoramas such as art, music, moda, cinematography, literature and photography, female students created editorial works with unique cultural value. |

The four magazines represent the inspiration and the center of the exhibition Relative Thinking presented at Polimoda and open to the public on 6, 7 and 9 December, to enhance the peculiarities and meeting points of the four projects and to underline the relativity of thought. An exhibition curated by Federica Forti with the four female students, which aims to give the visitor multisensory experiences through four different settings inspired by the themes of the magazines. What is a taboo, who can define it and why this word does not exist in all languages? These questions are the focal point of “Anthe”, the project created by the Indian student Rhiti Choudhury that, per l’exhibition, recreated the setting of a cafeteria. Visitors are invited to sit down and interact with the performers (also students of Polimoda) choosing one of the topics scattered on the tables and thus giving life to a virtuous exchange of ideas. “Impossible conversation” is instead the concept behind the Spanish magazine Maria Callaba. An impossible conversation between past and future which however becomes feasible through the author's imagination. A conversation that combines nostalgia and dystopian elements and which comes to life through a dense network of wool threads that crosses a sumptuous period room of the villa. The visitor is invited to cross it to take a seat in an armchair and meditate on his own personal approach to the past, present and future. A symphony of imposing distorting mirrors frames the presentation of “Body Claim”, the magazine made by the Austrian Heather Julie Halama in a reflection on the acceptance of one's body as a physical manifestation of one's identity. A conceptual installation that invites the visitor to see themselves with new eyes and to accept the uniqueness and beauty of their own body. |

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