"The Assumption of San Gimignano and Siena years"

The thrilling thing that strikes the viewer, is the extreme rigor and 'cleaning’ the Umbrian painter Bernardino di Betto, called Pinturicchio, put in its tables. “The altarpiece of San Gimignano and Siena years"Open until 6 January 2015 in Piazza Duomo to the n. 2, DiPinto against ottobre of the fu 1510 - The peak of his career – and February 1512 for Olivetano Monastery of Santa Maria Assunta in Barbiano.
The artist nato in Perugia, for a long time stayed in Rome for work then to Siena and the Sienese in the countryside where they conquered the market widely. And just in the capital city while Raphael also held its work, Pintoricchio alacramente pledged to service workers such as cardinals, Popes, significant and wealthy religious orders.
When he received the commission for the 'Pala', he had aged considerably his works, 'Building’ a kind of great novel pictorial done preparatory work with cartons, frescoes, and more. In the work expertly restored, you can see the high specialization he possessed by works of devotion: worked very well for private, and it is remarkable to mention his great love for naturalistic details and sumptuous brocades for dresses, cared for in a manic. It is no coincidence that the iconographic elements always appear very significant. Received the valuable appointment with compensation of 50 Fl, was then considered a man of great consideration and, thanks to the many patrons had, committed himself not a little to the Pinacoteca di Napoli.
The Monastery Olivetano mentioned earlier, a few kilometers from San Gimignano. The painting is the latest work by Bernardino di Betto. Died in 1513 Siena with burial in the church of San Vincenzo in Camollia. Notable was his great communication skills, as indeed is clear from years of Siena.
The routes exhibition at the Municipal Museum of San Gimignano, allow to enhance the cultural heritage of San Gimignano, already registered in the UNESCO World Heritage, Reaffirming also the importance of the churches housed in the territory.
The Scientific Committee who oversaw the exhibition consists of Cristina Acidini what Superintendent for the Historical, Artistic and Anthropological for the pole Museums of Florence, Mario Scalini, Superintendent for Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage for the provinces of Siena and Grosseto and Claudia La Malfa, International Telematic University professor 'Uninettuno'. The exhibition is organized by 'Opera', Group companies Civita: runs from January 1 this year, the Municipal Administration and reception facilities and enhancement of the Civic Museums of San Gimignano.
He is currently in preparation for the 2015, important work of Filippino Lippi and his marvel 'round'. There is talk of loans outstanding artistic able to tell a story as evidence of remarkable artistic heritage of San Gimignano; This also in view of the application of Siena as European Capital of Culture 2019.

of Carla Cavicchini

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