From 25 April of 4 May home of Peggy changes in the original stage of incredible collective installation made possible by thousands of colorful mosaics, created with passion and imagination by 300.000 Children from all over Italy who have joined the initiative.
Record numbers have confirmed that the extraordinary success of this second edition of Kids Creative Lab, The project started in 2012 by the enthusiastic collaboration between OVS and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and dedicated to all primary schools in Italy, This year there were more than 2.000. The adhesions are doubled compared to the first edition, counting countless families and many new schools, that are put to the test experiencing the mosaic technique.
Dante Primary School – Galiani of San Giovanni Rotondo, in the province of Foggia, is the school that has joined the project with the largest group of participants (ben 677 pupils!) and to receive this award in geo-cartographic materials offered by De Agostini Books. Atlases, Books, Globe, wall maps and world maps that will enrich and deepen the educational preparation of students.
Thanks to Trend, Vicenza-based company sponsor of the initiative, which provided free tiles produced with recycled glass, all participants have created a mosaic, which is now exposed to Peggy Guggenheim Collection.
Ecology and nature themes this year were inspiring project. The colors of the tiles assigned to the various Italian regions reflect the natural elements and landscape of each geographical area, and so the final installation is nothing more than an ideal map of our country, where each region is represented in shades that identify the most.
The second edition, Kids Creative Lab is already thinking about the issue 2015 inspired by the theme of EXPO 2015.
OVS e Guggenheim: exposure to Venice Kids Creative Lab

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