Nespresso inaugura a Bologna

It’ inaugurated the new Boutique Nespresso in the historic center of Bologna in Via D'Azeglio corner Piazza De 'Celestini.

Elegant place of reference for all connoisseurs of coffee, who have come to know and taste all the fine Gran Cru Nespresso. The event is also an opportunity to celebrate Crealto, new Nespresso Limited Edition appreciated for its aroma particularly intense and creamy and its roasting technique typical of the world gourmet.

At the inauguration of the new boutique, Nespresso paid tribute, through a portrait at the cafe run by young Eastern artist RED Hong Yi, one of the greatest Italian singers who with his music has given so much to this city: Lucio Dalla.

Hong Yi, in arte RED, young architect Malaysian 26 age, He is known as the artist who 'He loves to paint, but not with brushes’. His inspiration and artistic talent led her to create some iconic portraits of celebrities, experiencing unusual techniques. His original creations provide, in fact, what tools, the use of materials and everyday objects and common: basketballs, sunflower seeds, socks and bamboo chopsticks, candles, Books…

For Nespresso, RED has made a portrait of Sherman with technical coffee stains: fouling, namely, the cup with coffee and using a game of circles outline the features and hallmarks of Sherman, glasses, hat ... to get to his emotional portrait for which it took three days of work and 30 coffee cups.

During the opening party, to receive the portrait it was Cesare Cremonini, as representative of the great tradition of songwriters Emilia and especially the heir of the famous Bolognese school that has seen its greatest exponent Sherman.

Your back, Crematory has delivered the work to the City of Bologna and all citizens who so loved the artist disappeared, in the person of Nadia Monti, Councillor for Institutional Affairs, Demographic services, Tourism, Production Activities, Trade and Legality.






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