Jeckerson, historic Italian brand of sportswear, it is preparing to land in the United States, strong of a 2014 closed positively, which recorded a turnover of more than 40 millions of euro.
“Before you approach the American market we have carried out a series of tests on potential customers, to assess the degree of acceptance of our product both in terms of fit that regard our hallmark, la top”, recounted Gianmaria Argentines, CEO Jeckerson. “The results of these tests have confirmed as the US, where more and more the man uses a casual dress also in the workplace, are ready to take a product like ours”.
The distribution strategy of the brand provides for the first two years, the product positioning Jeckerson exclusively in specialty stores, the high-end multi-brand stores, with the aim of developing solid business relationships with these realities and to be present in the two years in all 110 store of this type exist in the United States. Even the women's collection will be present in multi-brand stores man / woman. The distribution will be handled by an agent multimandatario, with showrooms in New York on 57th Street.
“We will cover all the geographic area US: the product Jeckerson, in fact, in recent years has been segmented so as to enable us to adapt our offer to the different areas, from the west coast with a more informal style, to the east coast which take a more classic taste”, continued Argentines. “Our goal is to record a turnover of 5 million euro on the US market from here to 5 age”.
To increase brand awareness and especially stress the Italian brand, Jeckerson provides in a first phase to reinvest all resources generated in marketing activities directed initially to the trade and then to the final consumer.
The brand will also participate in two exhibitions Liberty a New York (19 – 21 January) and Las Vegas (16 and 18 February).
Jeckerson lands in the USA

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