Smeg appointment at the showroom in Corso Monforte 30.
It starts to rain ... Strange? The rain has been my partner throughout the week of Design Week.
Italy Independent, young brand which combines innovation and tradition that we follow for a while now, at the Salone del Mobile presents the result of a partnership with Smeg, company that for over 60 years produces appliances.
I go looking for Paola, officer press office of Italian Independent, we always felt via email it is time to put a face ... and is immediately sympathy.
He takes me nicely to the showroom showing a refrigerator really special. Here he is friends.
The design is typical of the 50 ', I remember as a child that in the house of my great-aunt there was a similar one, even with the key guarded jealously by the waitress to keep us from taking something outside normal meal.
Define a simple fridge is a bit risky. I find it very special, catchy and great decor. Not a refrigerator to hide but to put on display!
And 'entirely it covered in denim dark shade, with clear stitches that give greater prominence to its convex shape. And 'it produced in a limited edition 500 specimens. Already I imagine your first thought, as was my: but does not get dirty?
We understand that the denim is subjected to a plasma treatment, nano-technology and cold vacuum that protects the surface of the refrigerator from splashing water, oil, latte, fruit juices.
Tradition, research and technology are the characteristics that unite Smeg and Italia Independent. They managed to reinterpret in a modern way, Functional furniture and a cult object entered for several years now as an object of desire of collectors of modern.
They are present in this press day Vittorio Bertazzoni, AD Smeg and Lapo Elkann. They are both very kind and helpful in answering questions. The occasion is palatable.
I can block Lapo, super is required. Double-breasted jacket and white pants in jeas, plaid shirt and glasses that I like!
I ask why they chose denim. e m risponde dicendo che il jeans rappresenta la italianità per eccellenza, la famosa tela di Genova. L’origine del nome “blue jeans” risale alla storpiatura che la lingua inglese ha dato nel tempo al nome “blue de Genes” (blu di Genova), nome con il quale veniva indicato un tipo di telone di colore blu che veniva usato sulle navi per vele e per copertura delle merci.
Il denim nell’immaginario collettivo comunica l’dea della comodità, stile ed anche un po di ribellione. Rispecchia la filosofia di Italia Independent.
To further enhance the Italian character, the E of the SMEG lettering has been stylized with the colors of the Italian flag.
Ringrazio Lapo per la sua disponibilità chissà se mi farà omaggio di quegli occhiali!
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