Dirk Bikkembergs ADV Autunno Inverno 2014-15

The ideal man physically perfect, Dirk Bikkembergs that has always fascinated and inspired by its collections, conquest reality in small steps. The last in order of time, occurred at a university in California, has given birth at the beginning of May, the first DNA by the components 'mixed', half natural and half artificial – like: For the first time we have the ability to create, and of course to play, supernatural agencies, aliens, perfect.
Inspired by the announcement of this new era in human progress the concept of the new advertising campaign of the Maison Dirk Bikkembergs per l'A / I 14/15, dreaming about the possibilities offered by a future in which life will never be the same, choosing to evolve and multiply endlessly the ideal man by statuesque beauty who showed us up to date.
The setting is cozy, aseptic, hyper-, wrapped in a cold light that cuts with precision the specific face of the protagonists. All identical, i ‘Future Clones’ di Dirk Bikkembergs wear garments with clean lines and futuristic, corpetti, leather jackets, tight pants, rigorosamente in total black. They look with blue eyes and bright, revealing a nature alien creatures on horseback between reality and aspiration, marked almost from the DNA of geometric shape that emerges under their skin, identification card for creatures of a future that is no longer far away.

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