“Vecchia Romagna” to the sound of Bob Sinclair

More than a generation of Italians will remember the advertising and the music of a liquor that has made history: Vecchia Romagna. Times change, and also…the pace! For the new communication campaign to get right as a young public except with the language of music?

The brilliant Bob Sinclair the task of the Remix in Libertango, ithe famous song of the soundtrack commercials of old Romagna. Oltre al brano è stato realizzato anche a video clip and a spot that will be planned on digital media and on MTV, Brand partner for the launch of Remix.

But the surprises are not over. Vecchia Romagna has launched a contest, asking users to participate in a competition on mtv.it/fb and through the 'app created for the occasion "Vecchia Romagna Remix”. I ragazzi dovranno realizzare un movimento di danza che sarà inserito all’interno di un video che darà vita alla coreografia del nuovo remix di Vecchia Romagna. Tantissimi premi settimanali e la possibilità di participate in two super music events: The MTV Digital Days to be held in the Venaria 12 and 13 September and a weekend in Ibiza in conjunction with the seasonal closure of Pacha, the most famous nightclub in the world, and the meeting with Bob Sinclar in person it will sound just during the evening.

In September, then a second stage: Vecchia Romagna will be a partner of the MTV Digital Day, with the top Italian and international DJs, and will have a dedicated bar where cocktails made with the product and offer Vecchia Romagna.

In the third phase of the partnership, by the end of September, gli utenti che avranno partecipato al contest potranno diventare protagonisti di un vero e proprio spot della lunghezza di 60’’ che sarò pianificato sui canali Mtv in fascia plus per due settimane.

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