"Pigmenta et scripta manent" by Piero Bubble

Tuesday 29 April at 18, at the Monumental Complex of St. Francis in Cuneo, Piero Bubble will be featured in an exhibition entitled dall'allestimento original and unique We scripta permanent pigments”. Over 40 works, made between 1977 and the 2014, be visible until 25 May in a show promoted by Franco Arese and Piero and curated by Sergio rings with the same Piero Arese. The Artist, in the spacious and charming of the Church of San Francesco, has created an intriguing and original path with large paintings and sculptures obtained by modeling paper, nylon e pigmenti.
Piero Bubble, born in Saluzzo in 1933, has been featured in numerous exhibitions in museums and galleries in many countries of the World, as well as prestigious events such as the Venice Biennale and more.
This exhibition aims to promote the culture of the region through the work of the most important contemporary artist Cuneo. After the work of Bolla has been the subject of attention and tributes by critics and intellectuals, such as Umberto Eco, Dorfles, Vittorio Sgarbi, Luigi Carluccio and many others, this time it's Achille Bonito Oliva to sign the essay presentation of the exhibition: "Piero Bull operates in a range of styles, always supported by a technical report and an idea of ​​art that seeks within himself the reasons for its existence - he writes the critic – Those reasons consist in the pleasure of a painting finally subtracted from the tyranny of novelty and indeed affidataallacapacitàdiutilizzarediverse "ways" to get the picture ».
Bonito Oliva will also be the speaker at a conference on the work of the Bull, which will be held in the premises of the show 6 May, to 18.

la stanza di john cage - 2000 - 732 x 200 - pigmenti su legno

"Pigmenta et scripta manent" is carried out with the invaluable assistance of the Province of Cuneo, Municipality of Cuneo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Saluzzo, Ares srl, Eurostock, Cooperative Credit Bank of Cherasco, Cassa di Risparmio di Saluzzo Spa, ATL di Cuneo.
Monumental Complex of St. Francis
Via Santa Maria n. 10 Wedge
Such. 0171.634.175
Tuesday 29 April: opening hours 18.00
Wednesday 30 April: 16.00 – 19.00
Thursday 1 May: closed
2 May – 25 May:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday: 16.00 – 19.00
Saturday: 10.30 – 13.00 and 16.00 – 19.00
Monday and Wednesday closed
Association of Social Promotion UR / CA House Laboratory
Saluzzo 320 8698957 – 347 0559775

actor - 1981 - 260 x 278 - pigmenti su laminato

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