“Grosse Fatigue” di Camille Henrot al Museo Gucci

On show at the Museum Gucci Grosse Fatigue of Camille Henrot, French artist at the Venice Biennale was awarded the Silver Lion arousing great interest from the international critics.
Grosse Fatigue is a film of 13 'to the rhythm of the music of the composer Joakim and the voice of the slammer Akwetey Orraca-Tetteh, declaiming in “spoken word” a long poem written in collaboration with writer Jacob Bromberg.
Grosse Fatigue is spanned by an immense and utopian ambition: to overlap all the stories cientifici, Historic, mythological, artistic, Anthropological ... related to the genesis and evolution of the world. “In my video“, spiega artist, “willingness to universalize knowledge is accompanied by the consciousness that I have of this place. That is to say that at the very moment in which I aspire to make the world habitable by a subjective aggregation, I am also aware of the folly of this effort and its inherent limitations“.

Gucci Museo_Camille Henrot Tevau_1_Photos by Alessandro Moggi - © Gucci
Insieme a Grosse Fatigue, Gucci Museum also presents two works that derive from the work of sculptor Camille Henrot and use materials as diverse as industrial objects for Tevau (2009).

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