Antonia Gualini at Milan Polytechnic

As part of the cultural project "The Bijou Italian twentieth century" Antonia Gualini, President and head of the style, will trace the history of the accessory in recent decades through the field experience lived with the family business.

"I gladly accepted the invitation of the Milan ' explains Antonia Gualini. "The comparison with young people is always instructive. They are rich in ideas, creativity and enthusiasm. It is our duty to guide them, teaching them the tricks of the trade, and helping them to express their potential ".

The processing techniques, the types of resin, trends that have made popular in the eighties and nineties up to the collaboration with the great fashion houses to give shape to the ideas of the designers and create unique pieces destined to international catwalks: a considerable achievement and knowledge, now Lartigianabottoni provides the younger generation at a time when the rediscovery of traditional crafts is proposed as an opportunity to address the new labor market.

"Ever since I was a little girl I followed my father in his travels, fascinated by shapes and colors, eager to learn technique and the art world of the Buttons " read more Antonia Gualini. "Now is the time to begin transmitting what I have learned in these years. The first tip that I can give to young people is to dare without fear '.

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