Fashion Events

Maliparmi cocktail boutique Firenze

Maliparmi at the boutique in Florence, in via del Parione, cocktails to celebrate “return to the family” Florentine store. Large crowds, an opportunity to learn about the fall winter collection 2012

Festival of Russian Fashion 2012 cocktails Society Italy

Of Italy at the Milan showroom Company it ended the 6th edition of the Festival of Russian Fashion during which they were allocated, in three of the designers, i premi di “International Promise”, “Original Design” e “Tailoring Quality”. A special committee of the Festival also composed by actress and descendant of the Russian Imperial Family Nicoletta Romanoff, as Ambassador of the Festival

Barbisio evento per i 150 age

On the occasion of its 150th birthday Barbisio organized a great event. The program included a path in the dark with professional guides blind. Starring path were felt, Acqua, tissues, tapes and liners: tools from the workshop that evoke the different stages of an ancient and noble profession

Francesca Sforza “Piume e Paillettes”

La designer bolognese Francesca Sforza festeggia i 10 anni del suo brand a Roma nella cornice di Villa Spaletti Trivelli. Due giorni di festeggiamenti non-stop, culminati nella presentazione della sua nuova collezione

Progetto “Green Boulevard” allo IED

Presented in the IED Florence project Green Boulevard, an innovative shopping experience. D.A.T.E, Florentine brand of sneakers, and the winery Podere di Pomaio, they have for the first time their virtual shop

Pop.On event collection presentation

At the local Exquisite Shu was held the cocktail presentation of the new coin collection spring summer 2013 di Pop.On, brand of handbags and accessories made by the project's Fashion Brands, which uses the graphics of paintings by the Tuscan Alessandro Roncarà

Furla la “Candy Capsule Collection” per Saks Fifth Avenue

A New York presso il flagship store Saks in Fifth Avenue è stata presentata la “Capsule Candy Bag Collection” realizzata in esclusiva per il department store americano. L’artista Rebecca Moses ha creato intorno a ciascun modello una storia che vede protagoniste 5 donne diverse e il legame che le lega alle loro borse e al mondo in esse racchiuso

Enrico Coveri on display in Prato

In the new headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Prato it was inaugurated the exhibition of Enrico Coveri. exposed sketches, Stylist photographs and clothes friend of Warhol and Haring

Robbie Williams da Coin per “Farrell”

Coin ha ospitato Robbie Williams per il lancio in Italia di “Farrell”, il marchio di abbigliamento disegnato da Ben Dickens.
“Farrell” si ispira a Jack Farrell, nonno di Robbie Williams che ha incontrato 16 fan selezionati attraverso il contest fotografico “Farrell Experience”

Heart&Fashion 2012 al St Regis

Al St Regis di Roma si è svolta la serata di moda Heart&Fashion, organizzata ed ideata Simona Travaglini. Giunta alla sua quarta edizione ha visto sfilare in passerella le creazioni di Gattinoni e Sarli Couture, i giioelli di Gianni De De Benedittis per futuroRemoto su abiti realizzati da MutaDesign by Odile Orsi