Life Style

“Baccarat Two Hundred and Fifty years”

“Baccarat Two Hundred and Fifty years” is the intentional published by Rizzoli New York on the occasion of “mythical” anniversary of the fashion house is celebrating in 2014: i 250 years since the founding of the Manufacture.

FòcaraFestival 2014 a Novoli

Back on FòcaraFestival, As winter music event. the protagonists 2014: Omar Souleyman, Alpha Blondy, Tinariwen, Bombino, Muchachito Bombo Infierno, Bandadriatica, BoomDaBash, blam, Motel Connection.

Giuseppe Maggio in “Un fantastico via vai”

Giuseppe Maggio will be one of the stars in the new film by Leonardo Pieraccioni, "A Fantastic Via Vai". Vogue International devotes an extensive article with the title of "The golden actor of Rome".

“Castello Cavalcanti” Wes Anderson

Presso la Sala Petrassi dell’Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma, è stato presentato in anteprima mondiale “Castello Cavalcanti”, il cortometraggio di otto minuti diretto da Wes Anderson.

Enzo Cei “Fiori.La life stories of children who vince.14”

photo book of Enzo Cei “Flowers. The life that wins. 14 stories of children”, Pacini Ediotre. Proceeds from the sales of the book will be donated entirely by the Bianca Garavaglia NPO National Cancer Institute in Milan, in favor of pediatric oncology.

Gàbor Farkas al Teatro Chiarera di Savona

Il concerto del pianista GÁBOR FARKAS inaugura la stagione musicale 2013/14 del Teatro Chiabrera. Il programma scelto è un esplicito omaggio all’Italia attraverso le musiche del grande compositore ungherese Ferenc Liszt.