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NeroGiardini VFNO 2012

Appuntamento giovedì 6 settembre al flagshipstore NeroGiardini di Milano, di Venezia 9, per la Vogue Fashion’s Night Out 2012, con uno sconto sulla nuova collezione autunno inverno 2012

De Vecchi At Macef

Inugurazione the exhibition on the works of design from De Vecchi 1947 to the 2012. The works of de Vecchi have been exhibited in major museums of the world, the Milan Triennale at the MoMA in New York, the Victoria and Albert in London at the Louvre in Paris.

Havaianas alla VFNO Roma 2012

Havaianas will be the star of the event devoted to shopping and fashion,for the occasion will be presented the exclusive Rain Boot created in collaboration with British designer Matthew Williamson.