RCS presents the second edition of FLORENCE & FASHION, the event in collaboration with Pitti Immagine and the City of Florence leading to the heart…
RCS presents the second edition of FLORENCE & FASHION, the event in collaboration with Pitti Immagine and the City of Florence leading to the heart…
As tradition Mondadori signature event that opens the calendar of events of Pitti Uomo, proposing this year, in collaboration with Pitti Immagine and the City…
The Alberto Sordi Gallery in Piazza Colonna in Rome hosted Tuesday,,it,December the ceremony for conferring the Beauties of Italy Awards,,it,an initiative produced by Francesco Grasso for Area Manager Editions that highlights Italian personalities who have distinguished themselves in the tourism sector,,it,of the arts,,it,of science,,it,of the economy and the social sphere,,it,as well as institutions,,it,institutions or localities that have promoted the beauty of Italian matrix,,it,FBX_6502_4_,,en,The event directed and presented by Nino Graziano Luca has developed in an elegant and rhythmic way with interviews with the winners who told anecdotes about their careers ended by declarations of love for Italy,,it,The award winners of the edition,,it,They were,,it,the director of Rai,,it,MAURO MAZZA,,it 20 Dicembre la cerimonia di conferimento dei Premi Bellezze d’Italia 2011…
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