Food & Wine

“Extra Lucca” Villa Bottini

Extra Lucca in its first edition will have as heart Villa Bottini and will unfold between the restaurants and shops of the historic core of the city and ends at the Auditorium San Romano. Lucca is a candidate to be the capital of Extra Virgin Olive Oil for the long tradition that binds to this gem of the Mediterranean diet

Branca distillery idea regalo

Distilleries Branca celebrate the arrival of Christmas with a number of gift ideas: Fernet-Branca, presented in packaging tin collectible, Brancamenta, paired with the original ice-bag; Stravecchio, chocolates filled with distilled dell'inimitabile, Coffee Borghetti, by our unique pack of chocolates flavored Coffee Borghetti; Grappa Candolini

Tasting Three Marys and Santa Cristina

In cake tastings of Florence boutique Tre Marie paired with sweet wine of the famous brand Santa Cristina. Un’occasione di celebrazione natalizia esclusiva, born from the collaboration between Three Marys and the Association "The fashion streets"

Christmas Collection Veuve Clicquot

La Maison de Champagne festeggia l’arrivo del Natale con vivaci coffret e una Cuvée prestigiosa, simbolo dell’indiscusso stile Veuve Clicquot. The proposals: Ponsardine, La Grande Dame e Veuve Clicquot Suit Me

(BELVEDERE) Red and World AIDS Day

(BELVEDERE) RED, special edition of Belvedere Vodka for the Global Fund, leading lender in the world in the fight against HIV in Africa, New York has chosen to support and promote the fight against AIDS on the occasion of the world day dedicated to this disease

Roger Federer ambassador di Moët & Chandon

Roger Federer, icona mondiale dello sport e del lifestyle, è il nuovo brand ambassador di Moët & Chandon e sarà protagonista della prossima campagna pubblicitaria della Maison. Il famoso fotografo Patrick Demarchelier ha scattato a Parigi una serie di ritratti di Roger Federer per Moët & Chandon

Jameson presso il GumSalondi Milano

Ritrovo di “barbe” e passione per il whiskey irlandese Jameson presso il GumSalondi Milano. Presenti all’appello amanti dell’indie rock, della bici e dei film d’autore. Collettori acclamati la barba, Jameson e ginger ale. Non poteva mancare la Brand Ambassador Jameson Italia Simone Greene