The novelty of the Maison Pasquale Bruni

The new line of Mandala collection signed by Pasquale Bruni is inspired by the full moon. The Mandala is a meditative depictions of, constructed from a central point, that in the line of the House of Italian jewelry is the Lotus Flower. A sacred flower tied to the moon, the female principle and at night.
Mother of pearl cabochon and worked in white and brown diamonds, in an intriguing sequence that makes up a collection from floral flavor. Piece of the line is the symbol bangle that shows on the one hand the brilliance of the stones and the other the typical inlay Maison.

mandala paswuale bruni

Il mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, which means Gem in the Lotus flower is engraved on the side of the cuff, to emphasize once again the concept of jewelry as a talisman, as an energy source and the mirror of the soul of the woman who wears it.
A Sissi, the multi-faceted Austrian empress, Easter Bruni dedicates a new tribute: Sissi Black and White.

sissi blak and whit pasquale bruni

La Maison choose kogolong, gem of delicate whiteness and nell'onice, the stone of courage. In this alternation the crown theme that characterizes the collection, enriched dall'incassatura wise noble spinel, alternating with white diamonds and diamond blacks.

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