Luigi Tabita l’amore per il suo lavoro

Red is the color that reflects me more '! Irruento, avvolgente, caldo, romantic, determinato. Sometimes it can 'be annoying ... but it is a color that knows no half measures, come me”.

Dear friends I present to you our new character copyright: Luigi Tabita.

Perhaps many of you it conoscerenno to seeing him in the theater or on TV in the successful series as I Cesaroni.

Luigi was born in Sicily, ad Augusta, he graduated from the historical school of the Teatro Stabile di Catania, when he was president Pippo Baudo. We can be called "nipote d'art"As his great-grandfather Mario was an actor who worked with the great Pirandello. The first debut of Louis happens to 20 years with the show "Ghosts", with Leo Gullotta.

He continued to work and study studying with masters such as: Antonio Calenda, Giorgio Albertazzi, Alvaro Piccardi, Ferruccio Soleri, Michele Abbondanza, Lina Wertmuller.

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His passion for acting has its roots from childhood, In fact, as a child he loved to write, readjust plays and represent them with friends at birthday parties. “I had a large suitcase which was a kind of chest of wonders full of clothes out of fashion accessories wigs that gradually over the years I collected in the cellars and attics of my house ,of my relatives, friends. Those cleaned and processed clothes became the costumes”.

Louis is an actor by singing bases (jazz, folk, pop) e danza, He has faced various kinds from tragedy to comedy, the musical, with important names of Italian and international theater, solo per citarne qualcuno: Mario Scaccia, Alessandro Haber, Irene Papas, Roberto Guicciardini, Carlo Croccolo, Tony Cucchiara, Enzo Vetrano and Stefano Randisi, Sebastiano LoMonaco, Lina Sastri , Massimo Ranieri.

The 13 December 2011 He received at the Capitol “The Academy of Young in 2011 "for the constancy and the results obtained with its activity.


His day begins around 8, as a first gesture listen to the news and prepare breakfast made of 2 slices wholemeal bread with jam, a yogurt and a cup of green tea "I love you, Coffee, for example, do not drink at all, my stirred”. I would say my exact opposite if I do not drink coffee either do not open your eyes! A rite rather than unites us is then check the fb page, reply to emails, only that because then Luigi are training in the gym or swimming pool.

The first afternoon is dedicated to business meetings, then around 17 a nice tea and street theater to prepare for the evening show. “When I do not work in the theater like being at home with friends and cooking, I'm a good cook and I try to go to bed for 22.30-23 so I could make my 9 hours of sleep!”. As a child he had so many animals like dogs, turtles, hamsters, “when I see the affection they give me is tempted to take a puppy but then I think we do live in an apartment in the center it would be a selfish act on my part”.


Louis has an excellent relationship with the older sister " we can also feel 4 times a day, we have a strong and great bonding affinity ' ".Optimistic, even in moments and not just simple days by the motto "thinks well that at home you are”. He loves London for his exceptional services, for the education of the people, “It is a multiethnic city on the move, in continuous experimentation and growth from all points of view both cultural and social”.

Friendship is an important place in his life "true friends are few certain I take them from elementary schools more like my friend Clare are people I've met in my path and I can not help it”.

What do you like about your current job?
As I always say it is a lifestyle choice. I love all of my work. I love living different lives from my, turn me into another and try to be credible to those who look at me in that role. S
I am a curious person who likes to experiment and I do not shy away from any role that comes to me”.


Your favorite actor?

The past is Marcello Mastroianni because of his ability to become both physically and vocally, to interpret a role without ever being carricaturale and never vulgar. For the same reasons today Pierfrancesco Favino”.

The historical figure you would be?

Louis XIV , Sun King ... because I'm a hedonist”.

Cos’è per te la bellezza?

If something or someone will make life better then it is beautiful. Beauty is the sublimation of our feelings, feelings of pleasure and everything that satisfies”.

Then you'll definitely like the art.

I grew up full of art! Being Sicilian every corner of my country is a masterpiece: temples, theater, he asked, and then I was lucky enough to have a family that has educated me to beauty taking me to the theater to see the work, the ballet, exhibitions”.


Then you will also be some collector.

No. Indeed I am one who throws away, I do not like to keep what you do not use. Ttutto must have a function. It 'a business concept that I inherited from my family as though not "produce are worthless," and then you have to work more and!”.

I would say that on this point I find myself in disagreement. Instead What is for you the elegance?

Knowing how to bring any item or accessory with great naturalness. My fashion Curious about it and I follow with pleasure browsing magazines or participating in parades”.

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

The jacket. I believe that any person is able to make elegant. It can be deconstructed as those invented by Armani or super contoured, jeans, flax or like you want. The jacket is a must, in my wardrobe I have many”.

What you would not want a man and a woman never wore?

To man the pedal pushers, for the woman jeans into the boots, I find them really ugly”.


It physician “shopping” che cosa ti viene subito in mente?

Fun. I like to shop alone because they are not easy choices and buying, so I need my time. It 'a way to cuddle. Because then the interval around the shops with a tea break at a small cozy bar, or better yet in a library”.

I heard that you are very good in the kitchen, what you do best?

With the seconds: roasted, baked fish, swordfish rolls. But as tempting are also well prepared with sweets”.

Then we suggest a simple recipe.

Swordfish rolls are typical of the Catania tradition.

Ingredients: 500 Swordfish g sliced ​​whose 50 g browned and chopped, 70 g grated cheese, 150 g of breadcrumbs, 30 g capers, 50 g of green olives,1 sprig of parsley, 50 g of olive oil, 50 g tomato sauce, an onion,Bay leaves, sale e pepe.

Preparation. Before you prepare the filling: In a bowl add the breadcrumbs, the cheese, fish browned sword and chopped, capers, pitted olives (do not buy the canned because they have no taste) and parsley, finely chopped; season with salt and pepper. Knead with tomato and olive oil until mixture is smooth.
Spread the slices of swordfish, fill them with the mixture and roll. Skewered the rolls on a skewer alternating bay leaves and cloves of raw onion. Cook on the grill or in the oven for 15 minutes and then serve in a beautiful serving dish with perhaps decorated with warm colors like those of my Sicily, decorating it all with bay leaves and parsley bouquet

Luigi I think our friends will appreciate a lot, It looks really good. I just have to ask you the question routine.

What is your dream?

Make the protagonist of a film by Tim Burton”.

Good luck and thanks for your time, we had fun in your company.

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