
“Les nouvelles Reines” di Giada Curti

La stilista Giada Curti si ispira a grandi donne del passato per la collezione Autunno Inverno 2013-14 presented at AltaRoma. Non a caso il titolo è “Le Bandeau d’Amour” la fascia utilizzata dall’ultima regina di Francia, Maria Antonietta, per trattenere i boccoli.

Leonid Alexeev at AltaRoma

AltaRoma arrives Leonid Alexeev presented by AURORA FASHION WEEK Russia, thanks to a collaboration with the eponymous fashion week. The young Russian designer of womenswear and menswear plays on the deconstruction of the classic and on the combination of tailored garments and extravagant elements

Spalliere&Co Lucilla Paci AltaRoma

Lucilla Paci is the designer of the brand Espaliers&Co presenting his collection at Room Service. His is a handicraft production, uses quality materials and innovative design. News in bag 4 functions: clutch bag / shopping / shoulder / shoulder belt: one bag 4 functions.