Pussy Riot: release for Ekaterina Samutsevich

The decision of a court in Moscow to condemn with suspension of the sentence and release,,it,e Ekaterina Samutsevich,,bg,and to confirm prison sentences for,,it,Maria Alekhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova,,bg,it is only half a measure towards obtaining justice for the three components of gr,,it,Feminist punk group Pussy Riot,,it,said Amnesty International,,it,'Any decision that reduces the unjust detention of the three women is welcome,,it,But that no one is helpless - no justice has been done today,,it,The government has introduced numerous new restrictions on freedom of expression in recent months,,it,How this ruling shows,,it,the Russian judiciary does not offer much protection to those who oppose it,,it,David Diaz-Jogeix,,ene Ekaterina Samutsevich e di confermare le condanne carcerarie per Maria Alekhina e Nadezhda Tolokonnikova e’ solo una mezza misura verso l’ottenimento della giustizia per le tre componenti del gruppo punk femminista Pussy Riot, ha dichiarato Amnesty International.
‘Ogni decisione che riduce l’ingiusta detenzione delle tre donne e’ benvenuta. Ma che nessuno ci caschi – oggi non e’ stata fatta giustizia. Il governo ha introdotto numerose nuove restrizioni alla liberta’ di espressione nei mesi scorsi. Come questa sentenza dimostra, l’ordinamento giudiziario russo non offre molta protezione a chi si oppone’ – said David Diaz-Jogeix, Deputy Director for the Europe and Central Asia Program,,it,'First of all, the three women should not have been prosecuted,,it,Furthermore, Maria Alekhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova must be released immediately and without conditions,,it,added David Diaz-Jogeix,,it,The organization considers the three components of the,,it,convicted,,it,Maria Alekhina,,ru,Ekaterina Samutsevich and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova - prisoners of conscience unjustly tried and sentenced only for the peaceful expression of their opinions,,it,release for Ekaterina SamutsevichSCENARIO,,it.
‘Innanzitutto le tre donne non avrebbero dovuto essere perseguite. Inoltre Maria Alekhina e Nadezhda Tolokonnikova devono essere rilasciate immediatamente e senza condizioni’ – ha aggiunto David Diaz-Jogeix.
L’organizzazione considera le tre componenti delle Pussy Riot condannate – Maria Alekhina, Ekaterina Samutsevich e Nadezhda Tolokonnikova – prigioniere di coscienza ingiustamente processate e condannate solo per la pacifica espressione delle loro opinioni.

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