From 18 May 31 July 2022 Palazzo Strozzi Foundation presentsLet’s Get Digital!, new exhibition project that brings the art revolution of theNFTand the new frontiers betweenreal and digital through the works of international artists such asRefik Anadol, Anyma, Daniel Arsham, Beeple, Krista Kim and Andrés Reisinger.

Promoted and organized by Palazzo Strozzi Foundation and Hillary Merkus Recordati Foundation and edited by Arturo Galansino (Direttore Generale, Palazzo Strozzi Foundation, Florence) and Serena Tabacchi (MoCDA Director, Museum of contemporary digital art), the exhibition creates a path betweendigital installations and multimedia experiences created by artists who express the new and multifaceted researches of Crypto Art, based on the success of the NFT, digital certificates of authenticity that are redefining the concepts of uniqueness and value of a work of art.

Let’s Get Digital! offers a look at a movement in full evolution and transformation, which for many is only the starting point for an ever more accelerated mix of aesthetics and new technologies, a revolution for the whole world of art, digital and more.

The exhibition is promoted and organized by the Palazzo Strozzi Foundation and the Hillary Merkus Recordati Foundation as part of the Palazzo Strozzi Future Art project. Supporters: CR Florence Foundation, Comune di Firenze, Regione Toscana, Chamber of Commerce of Florence, Intesa Sanpaolo, Palazzo Strozzi Partner Committee
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