“To” Curtis Mann to Light Gallery

Light Gallery opens 2015 with TO, an exhibition of site specific Curtis Mann, artista che figura tra le collezioni del Centre Pompidou a Parigi e del Metropolitan Museum a NY tra gli altri. La mostra sarà composta da immagini scattate negli spazi della galleria torinese, details of objects or persons, successivamente stampate, on which the artist has intervened with cuts, folds and crevices to witness to his great curiosity about the physical nature of photography, che tratta al pari di una scultura. Curtis Mann ama utilizzare la parola confusion quando descrive il suo lavoro e, in fact. spesso si va incontro ad un effetto destabilizzante di spostamento dei confini di fronte alla sua opera, mainly confusion between photography and sculpture. Nei primi lavori Mann interveniva su immagini trovate in rete, che modificava tramite photoshop o con interventi meccanici; today, e in particolare in questa mostra torinese, l’artista fa un passaggio successivo ritraendo egli stesso il mondo che lo circonda sul quale poi interviene con tagli e increspature, thus opening a window - or many - the reality portrayed that, depending on the observer's point of view, turns. A fairly obvious symbolism built with the lightness and playfulness that characterizes this artist born in 1979 in Ohio, teacher of Photography at Columbia University, for which their work is an eternal work in progress, which it is carried by his curiosity always a little 'further and that, for this, He never repeats.
With VERSO, the exhibition site specific at Light Gallery, for the first time Mann builds a game of boxes and variations on the theme of the space that contains it, a visual and sensory experiment that does not surely leave the audience indifferent.

Curtis Mann
From 15 January to 14 February 2015
Inauguration 15 January 2015 ore18
Light Gallery
Corso San Maurizio 25, Turin

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