Monica Miceli “A(R)RIVA”

Monica Miceli born in Tripoli, which had to flee at the age of 6 years without taking anything with it and without being able to ever return. It is established in Italy, where he lives and works. He made his debut as an illustrator in the footsteps of generations of artists: decorators, cartoonists, painters ... all the figures that we encounter in his family tree between Tripoli and Italy. From the beaches of Chiavari, where he currently resides, Monica Miceli has simultaneously begun to gather and collect everything that the sea bore, choosing, cataloging and transforming irons, woodwind, tires but also items such as shoes, nails, toys. Observed the sea and its specializations: certain objects seem to be moving only in some places. Hence at some beaches are only woods, in other algae and in others only rubber shoes! Beaches as stores of material for fine arts. What will be the story of all these items lost, thrown and forgotten on the shore? Perhaps it comes right from Tripoli that is down there where the curve of the horizon clears the shores of Africa. She likes to think so. Those objects may have belonged to all those people who could not even say goodbye. Osservandoli, as you observe the clouds, saw come to life other forms. The illustration of the suggested characters at the turn of the fairy tale and the underworld monsters. A(R)RIVA is an exhibition which collects both new pieces is an essay of all the activity that moves from sculpture and painting to design and illustration. To be completed by the exhibition a workshop dedicated to children and their families, where you can build objects and characters starting with pieces from the collection of the sea.
Workshop Saturday 28 March h.15.00 at DAGAD Steam Factory, Via Procaccini 4, Milan.

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